The Yacon Farm is a splendid combination of ancient Romagna rural cultivation (naturally and organic) and advanced search for new healthy fruits from all over the world, but rigorously cultivated in Italy, to guarantee a very high standard of control and certified quality.
The Yacon Farm, is the first farm exclusively dedicated to cultivation of Yacon, and the only one in Europe capable of drying and processing YACON in finishing products such as: dried fruit, syrup, flour.
Particularly known for its appreciated "biodynamic cultivation techniques" The Yacon Farm operates according to a logic of supplying the whole chain, unique in the sector, that goes from the cultivation of fresh yacon to packaging dry fruits, syrup and yacòn flour.
The fruit - organic, GMO-free and freshly harvested - is dried with an innovative system that deprives it of water but preserves the entire cell membrane and with it all active principles such as aroma and perfume: a revolution in respect to traditional system, a results that can be seen and felt!
Our goal is to make this wonderful healthy fruit available to everyone.
The Yacon farm is committed to harvesting highest quality Yacon, by using only all the elements that nature offers to us. We grow all our fruits with the passion and commitment that has always distinguished us.
Always in line with the needs of a constantly evolving market - and the strong demand for this product - we want to offer to all consumers a product that comes from far away but harvest at KM (0) in respect of our environment.
We are always looking for Yacon based products with a strong identity, to meet the nutritional needs of everyone and ensure the highest European standard of quality in all our products.
March 2018
First feasibility studies and application in land of yacòn plant in collaboration with some agricultural faculties.
March 2019
First Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) cultivation in an open field in Europe.
October 2019
Harvest successfully our yacon in Italy.
November 2019
The Yacon farm starts marketing and selling its products across Europe.